Geografía e Historia

Geografía e Historia

lunes, 14 de octubre de 2019

The Huns and the Roman Empire

Answer these questions after reading the Britannica's article about The Huns.

Who were the Huns? When and where did the first contect between Huns and Romans take place?

Who made the first Huns description? Do you think this writer includes Huns between the civilizaded people?

Why were Romans so feared of Huns?

Explain the relation between the Visigoths and the Huns?

Who were Attila and Bleda? Describe their relationship?

How did gold change the character of Hun's society?

Where did the only Attila's defeat took place? Who defeated him?

What happened to the Huns after the 5th century?

Come on! I encourage you to do this work because you can improve up to 1 point your mark in the next exam.

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