Geografía e Historia

Geografía e Historia

viernes, 9 de noviembre de 2018

Report: Unit 5 – Al – Andalus

In unit 1 we've studied the origin and develop of  Islam in Middle Ages. One thing we've learnt is how fast this religion spread through Arabia, Middle East, North Africa, Persia and Al-Andalus; which was the name that the Iberian Peninsula received under Muslim control. In this report we are going to focus on Al-Andalus history. An eight centuries' period that began in 711, when the Muslims defeated the Visigoths and occupied the Peninsula; and finished in 1492 with the conquest of Granada by the Reyes Católicos.

Open your book on unit 5, read the sections 1,2,4,5 and 6 and do the following exercises:
1-      Activity 1 on page 49.
2-      Activities 1,2  and3 on  page 50.
3-      Activity 1 and 2 on page 52.
4-      Activity 1 on  page 53.
5-    Activity 1 on page 55.


Use blank sheets.

Write the title of the unit’s section you are working in at the beginning of the sheet.

Copy the instructions of the activities.

Write the answers by hand, not in a Word document.

The first page must be a cover page and the last one must be a blank sheet.

The deadline to hand in the report is: November the 23rd.

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