Geografía e Historia

Geografía e Historia

jueves, 20 de diciembre de 2018

Problemas medioambientales

Puedes acceder a las diapositivas vistas en clase desde aquí.


miércoles, 5 de diciembre de 2018

Actividades de la 1ª evaluación

Aquí os dejo el enlace al documento que os permitirá acceder a las actividades de síntesis de la 1ª evaluación. Estas son las actividades que resumen lo trabajado hasta ahora en el curso y que os permitirán establecer las conexiones con el resto de contenidos de la asignatura.

Fuente: Departamento de Geografía y Ordenación del Territorio (Unizar)

The shortest rivers in the world

We have define a river as a permanent current of water and we have learnt about the longest and most important rivers in the World. But, what about the shortest?
Visit this place, read this article and then do the following assignment:

1- Why are they called rivers if they are so short?

2- Make a table with the rivers list the article gives. In this table you have to name the river, location, lenght and one characteristic. Stick an image or picture of each one of these rivers.

3- Read this article and sum up it in 100 words.

 Don't forget to follow the instructions I gave you in former reports (do a cover, write by hand, use blanck sheets, leave margins....).

 Come on! It´s an easy report and you can improve your mark up to 1 mark!

martes, 13 de noviembre de 2018

The water cycle

Watch this  video and answer the questions:

1-      Why is so important the water cycle?

2-      Quote the different forms in which water can precipitate(translate these words into Spanish).

3-      Quote the different sources from which we can obtain fresh water (hint: the video names 14).

4-      Define the following concepts: Evaporation, transpiration, evapotranspiration, Percolation.

5-      What happens with water that falls over land (and not over rivers, lakes, seas or oceans)?

6-      How long does inflitrated/percolated water take to get out from underground?

- -   The water cycle: easy or difficult to understand? (explain your answer after watching the video).

- -    Find the mistake in this video.


Work individually.

Use blank sheets.

Copy the wording of the questions.

Write the answers by hand, not in a Word document.

The first page must be a cover page with the title, name and class.

The deadline to hand in the report is: November the 21st.

Tema 3 - Hidrogeografía y biogeografía

Puedes acceder y descargarte las diapositivas vistas en clase desde aquí.

viernes, 9 de noviembre de 2018

Tema 2 - Clima

Report: Unit 5 – Al – Andalus

In unit 1 we've studied the origin and develop of  Islam in Middle Ages. One thing we've learnt is how fast this religion spread through Arabia, Middle East, North Africa, Persia and Al-Andalus; which was the name that the Iberian Peninsula received under Muslim control. In this report we are going to focus on Al-Andalus history. An eight centuries' period that began in 711, when the Muslims defeated the Visigoths and occupied the Peninsula; and finished in 1492 with the conquest of Granada by the Reyes Católicos.

Open your book on unit 5, read the sections 1,2,4,5 and 6 and do the following exercises:
1-      Activity 1 on page 49.
2-      Activities 1,2  and3 on  page 50.
3-      Activity 1 and 2 on page 52.
4-      Activity 1 on  page 53.
5-    Activity 1 on page 55.


Use blank sheets.

Write the title of the unit’s section you are working in at the beginning of the sheet.

Copy the instructions of the activities.

Write the answers by hand, not in a Word document.

The first page must be a cover page and the last one must be a blank sheet.

The deadline to hand in the report is: November the 23rd.

martes, 30 de octubre de 2018

Continental drift and tectonic plates

Read on page 20 of your textbook, visit the following websites and answer the following questions:

1-      What was Pangea?
2-      Who came up with the theory of continental drift?
3-      What physical evidence is there to support the theory of tectonic plates and continental drift?
4-      What causes the movement of the tectonic plates?
5-      What is the difference between  oceanic crust and continental crust?
6-      What is the link between earthquakes and the movement of tectonic plates?
7-      Which are the major tectonic plates? Where are they located?


To answer the questions you can only use the linklist below.
Answer the questions on a blank sheet; don´t forget to copy the wording of the questions.
The report title is "Continental drift and tectonic plates".
It's a voluntary activity; you can improve up to 1 the mark of your unit 2 exam.
The deadline to hand in the report is November the 7th, Wednesday.

jueves, 4 de octubre de 2018

Types of Maps: Topographic, Political, Climate and More

We´ve been studying in this unit the different types of maps. Visit the following  webpage, read the content of that site and the links attached, and answer the following questions.

1- What is a map?

2- What is a thematic map?

3- When did the first thematic map appear?Who created it?What did this map show?

3- What does GIS mean?

4- What is a political map? Name the political map example that the webpage displays.

5- What is a topographic map? Name the topographic map example that the webpage displays.

6- Which is the main difference between a physical and a topographic map?

7- Make a composition explaining your opinion about this report and the sites you checked out to answer the questions.

To answer the questions you can only use the linklist below.
Answer the questions on a blank sheet; don´t forget to copy the wording of the questions.
The report title is "Types of maps".
The deadline to hand in the report is October the 16th, Tuesday.


Link number 1 is the reference; there, you have hyperlinks to look at 2 to 5.

Come on!! It´s not as difficult as it looks like and you can improve your mark exam up to 1 point.

Unit 1 - Maps

Tema 1 - El relieve

miércoles, 12 de septiembre de 2018


Aquí podéis acceder a las diapositivas utilizadas en clase relacionadas con la 2ª República.

Link al tema actualizado (curso 20-21)

miércoles, 20 de junio de 2018

Actividades para preparar la materia pendiente

2º ESO no bilingüe: Para acceder al archivo con las actividades pincha aquí

2º ESO bilingüe:  Para acceder al archivo con las actividades pincha aquí

1º ESO no bilingüe: Para acceder al archivo con las actividades pincha aquí

viernes, 11 de mayo de 2018

jueves, 3 de mayo de 2018

Viaje a la Tarragona romana

El próximo día 18 de mayo los alumnos de 1º ESO realizáis una excursión a Tarragona. En ella os vais a familiarizar con la cultura romana. Para la interpretación de restos que tienes cerca de 2000 años de antigüedad, es necesario realizar unas pequeñas actividades previas. Estas actividades os van a permitir entender mucho mejor las explicaciones que se os darán sobre el terreno. Pinchando aquí podrás tener acceso a la aplicación de Tarraco romana. A través de esta aplicación podrás localizar tu posición, enmarcarla en lo que fue la Tarraco imperial romana y situarla dentro de la Tarragona actual.
                                                          Fuente. Wikipedia

Para poder imaginarte mejor cómo fue la antigua Tarraco mientras nos movemos por la ciudad moderna echa un vistazo al siguiente vídeo. En él se superpone la antigua ciudad romana sobre la actual.

Los vídeos que te propongo a continuación explican cómo eran el circoel anfiteatro y el foro de la colonia de la ciudad, tres de los elementos esenciales que no podían faltar en una ciudad romana de primer orden.

Una vez que tenemos una más clara de cuál era la forma y las dimensiones de la antigua Tarraco, te propongo ver un último vídeo, en él se sustituyen las edificaciones actuales por las que antes ocupaban el espacio, en este caso, el circo, el edificio de espectáculos más grande de la antigua Tarraco. Es un vídeo interactivo en el que puedes girar 360 grados para ver todo el espacio en toda su grandiosidad.

Vocabulario tema 10 El imperio de los Austrias

Sephardic Jewish Israelis: Would you take Spanish/Portuguese citizenship?

Watch the video and answer the following questions that deal with the topic we discuss in class: what happened with the Jews that left Spain during the Catholic Monarchs period?
                                                        Source: Wikipedia: Sephardi Jews
This video only lasts 9 minutes, it's about some interviews to people that have Spanish ancestors. All of them were banished from Spain. It's always the same interview to different people: would you take the Spanish/Portuguese citizenship? Why?Why not? Would you go to live to Spain? Why?Why not?
Make a composition explaining the answers of the people interviewed (200 words).
 Don't forget to explain at the beginning of your composition what does "Sephardic" mean, and where did the Sephardic go when they left Spain in 1492. Most of the conversations are not in English (so you will practice your reading comprehension), which language do you think they are speaking?

The deadline to hand in the composition is May the 15th, Tuesday

lunes, 23 de abril de 2018

miércoles, 18 de abril de 2018

domingo, 4 de marzo de 2018

Viaje a Madrid de 2º de Bachillerato - 6/9 de marzo de 2018

Accede a la aplicación del mapa de Madrid desde aquí. También puedes hacerlo desde tu cuenta de arcgis y el grupo creado a tal efecto.

                                                 Mapa digital

domingo, 11 de febrero de 2018

Spanish Romanesque map - Mapa del Románico español

domingo, 4 de febrero de 2018

Romanesque and Gothic

Romanesque and Gothic are the artistic styles developed in Christian Europe between the 11th and 15th centuries. It is imposible to come to understand the mentality, the way of thinking, the society of the Medieval Era without studying their artistic manifestations. To understand the significance of both styles, we are going to carry out a set of activities during the following three weeks; and at the end of this unit you will be able to:

1- Understand the importance of the Church in the Middle Ages.
2- Identify the characteristics of Romanesque art and architecture.
3- Identify the characteristics of Gothic art and architecture.
4- Compare Romanesque and Gothic buildings, sculptures and paintings.
5- Understand the expansion of both styles through the European History.

                                                     San Martín de Tours (Frómista)

                                                            Notre-Dame (Paris)

List of activities:
a- Make a summary of sections 1 to 5.
b- Make a powerpoint presentation with the information of your summaries and images that deal with it.
c- Define the concepts of the glossary. Draw them at the same time you define them
d- Make a digital map using “Arcgis on line” locating the most important Romanesque sites in Spain.
e- Complete the timeline locating the most important Romanesque sites of your arcgis map.
f- Voluntary task: Make a list of the 10 most important Spanish Gothic monuments  with their geographical coordinates and location.


Romanesque; Barrel vault; Nave; Buttress; Crossing; Apse; Ambulatory; Capital; Cloister; Altarpiece; Gothic; Pillar; Flying buttress; Rib vault; Pointed arch; Stained glass; Rose window; Pinnacle; Steeple; Gargoyle; Miniature

To define the concepts of the glossary you will have to search not only in your text book (Essential Geography and History) but also in the following links added in the bibliography.


a- Reading:

Essential Geography and History

b- Video: Romanesque architecture Romanesque Art and Architecture What is Gothic Architecture? Romanesque v. Gothic Architecture Gothic Architecture in 2 minutes How to read a Gothic cathedral façade

 February, the 10th, you will take an exam. In this test you will be able to use all the information you have collected from the activities.

La Restauración monárquica (1875- 1898)

Enlace al tema actualizado (Curso 20-21)